Tuesdays with Dorie: Salt & Pepper Cocoa Shortbread

September 20, 2011

This transitional time of year makes everything feel especially melodramatic, I love it!

Am I the only one who occasionally takes pleasure in listening to melancholy music for hours on end? This seemingly odd wallowing ritual will usually take place on an errant weekend or the tail-end of a long week day. Aside from a great novel and a Baileys infused hot cocoa, my instruments of blissful contemplation vary, but they usually involve Yo-Yo Ma's cello, Yann Tiersen's Good bye, Lenin! soundtrack, and as always, any album by Leonard Cohen. Also included during this brooding sweep...anything rich, chocolaty, and neat enough to eat without the need to leave my peaceful repose to hunt for a napkin.

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe was brilliantly chosen by Tia, of Buttercream Barbie. These little slice-and-bake gems are a delicious marriage of sweetness and spice. As soon as you bite into one, it melts into crumbly, buttery, chocolaty, spiced bits of joy...the perfect balance to a day spent looking out at the changing leaves and listening to "Famous Blue Raincoat". :-)

Just hop over to Tia's adorable blog for the recipe, and if you're looking for even more cookie love, please be sure to visit the other TWD bakers!


  1. Wonderful shortbreads! They look extremely tempting.



  2. I love listening to melancholy music too. And I'm so glad you profiled these cookies. Their name is so ordinary that I've flipped past the recipe many times without reading further. I'll be sure to check it out!

  3. Your shortbread looks perfect! I like sad music too, and happy music when I am happy. I always thought a career in music therapy would be interesting.

  4. Love the sugar rims on your cookies! I'm a Leonard Cohen fan too.

  5. Brilliant post, Valerie! And your shortbreads are just adorable! :)

  6. oh, I forgot how much I love goodbye, Lenin! I haven't baked these cookies up yet but the dough is great. Your pictures are beautiful as always

  7. Melancholy music sure has its place. The cookies look great no matter what your mood.

  8. i would expect no less than beautiful photos from you. and yours are gorgeous this week too.

  9. Your photos are wonderful. They really make the cookies stand out!!

  10. WOw I love the way you photographed these cookies! They look beautiful!

  11. What a scrumptious combination, Valerie. :-) I love melancholy music moments too. :-) In fact, I think I need one today.

  12. Love the look of these cuties! Sound delish and that little bit special :)


Thanks for visiting, and for taking the time to read through my ramblings!
If you have a recipe comment or question, I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Baking!
♥ Valerie


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